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A Dream Come True...

Updated: Jun 27, 2018

I am ecstatic to announce that I am to be a regular live vlogger from the facebook page for Vintage Life Magazine!

This is exciting news because ever since 2010, when I first met the (then) small team led by Rachel Evans, I have been a huge fan and subscriber to the printed publication. It is rammed full with features and to die for photos and I couldn’t be happier to be a part of the team after all these years. So what is a vlogger you ask? In this sense, it is a live, to camera stream where you can watch and interact with me as I am talking about one of my favourite subjects – pin up posing and posture perfection.

All you need to do it to tune into on the dates and times as listed on my website and you’ll be able to chat about that particular weeks chosen subject plus ask any questions that pop into your head.

This weeks is ‘Body confidence and rocking your own vintage style’ with the next on the 22nd August is ‘Picture perfect tips for a photoshoot’. So tune in and say hello and join in the live chat with fellow vintage fans if that rocks your boat.


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