I’m rarely lost for words but in today’s case It’s because my face and body is suffering such fatigue that even sipping a brew is a struggle. No one ever said that event management was easy and boy oh boy I am (almost) walking testament to that today following yesterdays All Dayer at Westbourne House School. I never like to bang on about how exhausting an event was to organise and let my customers know how frazzled I am but yesterdays was different. Different because a lot of the people who came knew the full story behind it and why it meant so much to me. I am happy to let people know how tough it is in the world of events and I believe that if you’ve got the right crew behind you, and the right customers (I call them Vintage Do’ers) then they will be 100% behind your crazy plans and forgive you for any shortcomings and celebrate your successes.
I firstly want to build a massive pedestal, paint it golden and thrust to the limelight, my Vintage Do crew. Without their support and love, I would be lost. They are the backbone of what I do and I have so much respect and adoration for them for putting up with me.
Kate Henwood for her ‘door always open’ policy and support since Weekender 2016 and hours of brainstorming, trouble shooting and not to mention the physical set up and multi tasking at All Dayer! Complete with a near broken toe, Kate shows such strength and friendship that has been unwavering against all odds. I love you Kate. David ‘Camp David’ Hole for being the perfect front man with the Hi De Hi tighty whities and the spirit of a thousand showgirls, not to mention my dearest friend whom without I could not live. Amy ‘Amethyst’ Thomas who is my unflappable dear friend for whom nothing is too much trouble and should be a rightfully proud mum of beautiful young lady Rhia who worked all day like a trouper in the rain and is such a testament to the amazing parents she has. Anna Beresford, so adorable I want to dip her in Hobbycraft glitter and wear her like a brooch. The crafty fraulien who worked all day in the Flower Power crafty corner assisting Jane ‘Studio Textiles’ (who gets just as excited as I do over boxes of fake flowers! ) Mel ‘Lolita Yves’ Smith who modelled Ethel most of the day, adding pinup glam even when wielding the black bin liners! Davey for doing so much lifting and carrying in the last minute set up and being the self appointed umbrella carrier, making sure that our do’s didn’t get wet in the piddling rain!
As the All Dayer was split into two venues, my ‘Marquee crew’ consisted of my ‘Wizard of Oz’ and key tech man, Pete who I’ve known for more years than we should admit. Knowing he is on site during any of my events, always gives me huge comfort as he is always willing and totally able (and a stickler for detail for which im grateful) to solve any tech issue that might occur. The king of decks was Terry Nicholas who has been an incredible ‘cool as a cucumber’ confidante and constant cheerleader throughout the planning of this event and who organised the line up of superb 60’s Djs who took to the decks from start to finish.
I’m not sure how to thank Colin Tenn of Brighton Jive for working with me in the main hall, providing top jive & stroll tunes, not to mention expert tuition. He is a modest man, generous with his time and clearly loves what he does. As testament to this, I witnessed complete beginners able to take to the floor and pull off some great moves after only a short session with Colin. I could not recommend him highly enough as a top dance tutor and an absolute gem of a man. Thank you Colin and Brighton Jive.

Credit must go to the Concept Audio team who provided the HUGE hall PA and outdoor power, keeping us all safe and secure in the knowledge that it was all covered and professionally installed. Danny Schurer deserves a shiny medal for putting up with my late night emails and frequent need for reassurance (and misunderstanding) of how this all works but in the end I didn’t need to know or worry as It was all in great hands with Jez and his team.
Finally a big shout out to my Project Manager Emma Shepherd who frequently listens to me and my ideas and rarely flinches at the most 'out there' ideas. If it CAN be done, Emma will usually make it happen. Thank you for your hard work Emma - you really are a brilliant human being!
I could go on for pages and pages so I have decided to break my event report down into a few blogs so that each can be digested and I can log my thoughts and thanks logically.
Thanks for reading and once more, thanks to my awesome Vintage Do crew.
Book now for my Supercharged Vintage Weekender 5-8 October 2018 at Mill Rythe, Hayling Island.
Only £25 deposit required
www.awayresorts.co.uk or call to discuss accommodation type 01442 508850